Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.
Chilcomb Down House is the proud home of Freemasonry in Winchester and regularly hosts Lodge Meetings on the site. Freemason's have regularly met in the city since 1761 and have always formed an integral part of our community.
You can find our more about Lodges that meet at the centre and how you can get involved here.
Craft Lodges
3548 Old Wykehamist Lodge
5071 Caer Gwent Lodge
6818 Wolvesley Lodge
7487 King Aelfred Lodge
8563 St Matthew of Wyke Lodge
9992 Country Sports Lodge
10047 Brian Bellinger Lodge of Past Masters
& Winchester Lodge of Instruction
Royal Arch Chapters
76 Chapter of Economy
6818 Wolvesey Chapter
8222 Faith and Confidence
Progressive Orders
63 St Andrews Mark Lodge
71 King Alfred Council, Royal and Select Masters
79 The Court of King Alfred the Great, The Order of Athelstan
96 St Swithen's Chapel, St. Thomas of Acon
219 Wey Valley Council
219 Winchester Castle Assemblage
283 Wessex Council, Royal and Select Masters
401 Winton, Rose Croix Chapter
437 King Aethelwulf, Red Cross of Constantive Conclave
674 Loveland Mark Lodge
674 Loveland Royal Ark Mariners
969 Winchester Mark Lodge
969 Winchester Royal Ark Mariners
991 Emmaus Rose Croix
Community Groups
The Acorn Club
Other Links
North Central Area of Hampshire Freemasonry